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Goodbye Phineas and Ferb (A Vary Sentimental Goodbye)

Goodbye Phineas and Ferb (A Vary Sentimental Goodbye) So Phineas and Ferb week is over, and its off Netflix for good. It feels all hope is lost. (Yes I do realize I could buy it or watch it on  YouTube,  but Netflix is so much more convenient!) Now its time to say... goodbye.           Oh, Phineas and Ferb, we've had so many wonderfull adventures, so many great memories. But I will never forget. We had the good times, and the bad times. But in the end, I think this is best expressed in song. Goodbye Phineas and Ferb. I'll always remember you. Are you going to miss Phineas and Ferb as much as I  will? And if not, Phineas and Ferb week is over so time to head back to Nintendo! Don't forget to subscribe to NintendosView so you never miss an article.

Top 10 Phineas and Ferb 2 parter Songs

Top 10 Phineas and Ferb 2 parter Songs Welcome to the second article of Phineas and Ferb week! Phineas and Ferb is one of the greatest shows of all time! It has humor, action, memorable characters, great music and more! So today we are going to count down the top 10 Phineas and Ferb  songs in fannalys! That means no normal episode songs, two parts to it or more. But before we start, consider subscribing to NintendosView so you never miss an article. Sorry guys, no attack of the living pharmacist in this one! 10. Robot Riot (across the second dimension) This one's pretty epic! The gang taking down Robots with everything they had build thus far with  rock and roll! What's not to like? 9. No Momo (Tri-State Trilogy of Terror) I love this one because it twists a happy song of Ducky Momo into an actually creepy song! Its awesome! 8. Hey Ferb (Roller Coaster: The Musical) This one just has a fun, good tune with plenty of callbacks to musicals such as singin