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Why Luigi's Mansion is One Of The Best Games Ever

Why Luigi's Mansion is One Of The Best Games Ever Luigi's Mansion is one of my favorite games of all time. Its funny, spooky and addicting. But after my review, I started thinking. Why is it just so good? I wanted to look at it in a new perspective. And that's what we're going to be doing today. Join us, as we tear the mansion apart and see what its hiding. Exploration and Discovery One amazing thing is that the game constantly wants you to explore and discover the mansion. Each time you get a key, you want to know what's behind that room that you passed by. For example, in the first area, the twins room is locked which makes you wonder what's behind that door. And its vary exciting when you finally get to! The boos also encourage exploration by making you both go back to previous areas, and when they escape into a room you haven't unlocked yet, makes you want to open that room even more!                 You want to find every secret (ther