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Looking Back: What was Nintendo Hinting At With Flaming Chibi-Robo?

Looking Back: What was Nintendo Hinting At With Flaming Chibi-Robo? I'm heading back to the mega hype train of March, 2018 where the hype was even bigger than it was during E3! And during that time, Nintendo posted a picture of flaming Chibi-Robo. Was it a metaphor for the hype? Was it Nintnedo teasing us? Was it hinting at smash? Let's try to find out!           But before we do, please consider liking, sharing and subscribing to GamingTelescope. Now, let's take a look! Hinting at Dark Souls? So, dark souls remastered was announced for switch that direct... and look at these positions! Chibi is in the exact same pose as this dark souls Amiibo. Could this be a coincidence?  Hinting at Smash Bros? There are a couple hints that this could have been hinting at smash. For one, Chibi is in flames, and so was the Smash logo in the reveal trailer. Also, some people thought they saw the smash logo in his eyes, much like how we see t...