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Geoff Keighley challenged Reggie to a Mario Tennis Match

Geoff Keighley challenged Reggie to a Mario Tennis Match Geoff Keighley met with Reggie Fils-Aime this weekend ahead of Nintendo’s E3 presentation on Tuesday, June 12th. One of the things that they discussed was a live battle on the upcoming Mario Tennis Aces for the Nintendo Switch. It should be broadcast later this week on Twitter and YouTube and should make for an interesting watch. (my Nintneod News) I don't know about you, but I'm excited! Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Also, don't forget to subscribe, like and share NintneodsView.

Reminder: You can Play Mario Tennis Aces Right Now!

Reminder: You can Play Mario Tennis Aces Right Now! Just as a quick reminder you can download and play Mario Tennis Aces demo right now! But it only lasts from June 1-3. Have fun! But before you go, consider subscribing to NintendosView and sharing it with all of your friends.