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Pokemon Press Conference’s Q&A Segment

Pokemon Press Conference’s Q&A Segment Now we've covered pretty much everything from the Pokémon Conference , but we haven't covered the Q & A segment. So lets dive right into that! If Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! are based on Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition , will they have only the original 151 Pokémon? For example, will it not include more than the three original evolutions of Eevee? Mr. Masuda: In general, it’s the original 151, but as we just showed with Alolan Exeggutor, some of the Alolan variants will also appear. With Pokémon appearing on the field and the catching gameplay being more similar to Pokémon GO, does that mean there are not any wild Pokémon battles? Mr. Masuda: With these games, we’re really focused on clicking the Joy-Con to throw the Poké Balls to catch Pokémon. We decided to get rid of the wild Pokémon battles to catch them, but we still have Trainer battles with a variety of difficulty w

Pokemon Direct Breakdown and My Thoughts

Pokemon Direct Breakdown and My Thoughts Now there was a LOT of new info this Pokemon Conference! So that's why we'll be breaking it down, and you'll be able to see my thoughts of these new things as well.              Now, before we start, consider subscribing to NintendosView and sharing it with all your buddies! It would seriously help out a LOT! Now without further adieu, lets go Pikachu! Oh yeah, you can come too! Pokemon Quest So this one was diffidently a surprise! A Pokemon spin-off game for both the switch and for smartphones? And its free and you can download it right now? While I do plan on doing a review of this in the fuchure, for now I'll just tell you my thoughts on it thus far.             So its kinda like a combo of Mystery Dungeon and Pokemon Rumble. You can level up Pokemon, attract Pokemon with soup, tap buttans as the Pokemon battle and more. It seems pretty casual and simple. But I do think it looks kinda fun! I also like the