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Top 5 Things That Will Make You Want to Re-Explore Breath of the Wild

Top 5 Things That Will Make You Want to Re-Explore Breath of the Wild   Now, Breath of the Wild is over a year old now, but I have got a list of 5 things that will certainly make you want to return! But before we get into that, please consider liking, sharing and subscribing to GamingTelescope. Now, let's take a look! Easter Eggs Breath of the wild is packed to the brim with secrets and easter eggs! And I bet both you and I haven't found them all yet! From Coocoos attacking you if you attack them, to ice swords keeping you cool in the desert to even a Satoru Iwata easter egg, why not try and find them all! DLC and Master Mode Next up, is Master mode! A harder mode with its own save file with floating platforms, every enemy bumping up a color, regenerating health and a lot more Lynals. Its much more stealth based and adds a fun twist and strategy to the main game.         And of course, If you haven't already, the rest of the DLC should help