
Holy Cow! That's a Lot of Songs!

Holy Cow! That's a Lot of Songs! Now, we knew there would be a lot of content, and a lot of effort had been put into the Ultimate Smash game, but I was still blown away at the Smash direct. 103 stages, 80+ fighters, 900 song! What?!? And GameXplain has put together all the songs we know of so far. I highly recommend checking that out! Are you excited to lisen to all of your favorite songs and more when Super Smash Bros Ultimate comes out this December? I know I am! Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Also, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to GamingTelescope.

Interesting Smash Ultimate Easter Egg And Possible Hint For Future Game

Interesting Smash Ultimate Easter Egg And Possible Hint For Future Game Now, I found two interesting things in two reveal trailers. One is an amazing easter egg, and the other just might hint for a game down the pipeline. Lets take a look through our GamingTelescope! Easter Egg: Super Ridley Odyssey! I recently noticed this one while re-watching the Ridley reveal trailer, I noticed that after Ridley takes out Megaman and Mario, Ridley spins Mario's hat on his finger, referring to Super Mario Odyssey! Which I thought was amazing! Not only did Ridley take out Mario, but he mocks him as well! Luigi's Mansion 3 Hint? In the reveal trailer of Simon Belmont, you'll notice that Luigi is wearing a poltergust with a new design! It doesn't look like 3000 or 5000! Could it be the Poltergust 7000? If so, what does this mean? Are they dropping a hint for Luigi's Mansion 3? I REALLY hope so, but we'll have to wait and see.    Another thing to...

New Evidence For Skull Kid To Be a Fighter and When I Think He Will Be Announced

New Evidence For Skull Kid To Be a Fighter and When I Think He Will Be Announced Now, I've already covered some rumors and hints that Skull Kid is the next fighter. However, I have stumbled upon even more evidence! Lets take a look! There was a cloud of Pac-Man on The Pokémon Reveal Trailer In Smash 4 Now, I've found more evidence that they may have been hinting at Skull Kid with the chairs and furniture. In the reveal trailer of Pokémon for Smash 4, there was a cloud in a shape of Pac-Man. And who was revealed next? Why, Pac-man of course! You never know with sakurai! There's Always an Fall Direct...The Perfect Time To Reveal Skull Kid! There is almost always a Fall direct, and do you know what else is in Fall? No I'm not talking about Thanksgiving! Halloween! And Skull Kid is certainly creepy enough for Halloween. You know what I'm getting at so lets move on since this really isn't evidence. Sakurai Often Goes Out o...

An Official Zelda Concert Announced

An Official Zelda Concert Announced   Today Nintendo revealed that there teaming up with PROMAX for a special The Legend Of Zelda Concert. The show has three dates and those are in Tokyo and Osaka later this year. The dates are 22nd November and the 14th of December 2018 in Tokyo and 25th November in Osaka. If you want to go, you better get tickets quick! It has been comfirmed that there will an Ocerania, a harp, and accordion. You can get reservations now so, what are you waiting for? Are you excited for this Zelda concert? Let us know in the comments below. Also, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to GamingTelescope.

Changed Name to GamingTelescope!

Changed Name to GamingTelescope!   I have now changed it to GamingTelescope for copyright reasons! This marks a new change for my website, let us look through our GamingTelescope and see how this works together! Lets see how this sounds! Don't forget to like, share and subscribe to GamingTelescope so you never miss an article! I'm sure I'll get use to it!  

Which Characters Could Be Announced Next For Super Smash Bros Ultimate?

Which Characters Could Be Announced Next For Super Smash Bros Ultimate? Hello everybody, Programmer3000 here and as I'm sure you guys know by now, I like to predict stuff! So to follow that trend I've decide to predict and look at the facts on possible characters that could come to the game.        But before we start, please consider liking, sharing and subscribing to NintendosView. Now let's dive into it! Echo Fighters The first section will be possible echo fighters that I could see happening. Let's not forget, this is the game where dreams come true so I suppose anything is possible, but here's who I think might be coming. Shadow Now there are a few things that hint for shadow. 1. The fans want it. Lately, Smash has been spoiling us with all the main characters we've been asking for. (well, except for Walwigi!)           2. Knuckles was an assist trophy, yet the far more popular character, shadow,...

Is There a Spirits Mode In Super Smash Bros Ultimate?

Is There a Spirits Mode In Super Smash Bros Ultimate? The Internet went crazy when they witnessed the death of our dear friend Luigi. (But don't worry, he's okay !) They also noticed a few things. And all of this, my friends, they believe are connected to a story mode in Super Smash Bros Ultimate called Spirits Mode!          But before we start, please consider liking,  sharing and subscribing to NintendosView. Now let's dive into the possibilities of a spookier story mode. The Evidence First we will dive into the evidence of there being such a mode. The first piece of evidence is... Blurred Out Mode During the direct, Sakuri teased that there was a mode to Smash that he couldn't quite show yet. We saw the menu, but the mode was blurred out. However, that didn't stop fans from trying to decipher it. My guess as soon as he said it was the new story mode, like Sub-Space Emissary. It turns out I'm not the only one thinking around...