Will Detective Pikachu Do Well?

Will Detective Pikachu Do Well?
I don't know about you, but the Detective Pikachu was not what I was expecting! While the trailer has been received with mixed emotions, I started thinking and first I noticed from what I can tell, it looks like a high quality film. 
       Second, I wondered, "Will it even sell that well? I mean, they gave everyone's favorite Pokemon the voice of Deadpool!" 
  So, I'm going to try and predict how it will be received by breaking it into categories. The Critics, the Gamers, the casual moviegoers and how well it will do in the box office.
        Now, Let's take a look! 

What Will The Critics Think?
Critics are the hardest to please (well, except for maybe Gamers when it comes to video games being converted to movies, but we'll get into that later!) but sometimes they're a bit hard to predict as well.
     But, in the end, I think it will be vary mixed, possibly more on the negative side. 
Praised for taking Pokémon in a new direction and quite possibly praised for the new take on Pikachu, yet knocked down for it's iffy CGI and for it's corny humor right next to its darker story.
          We'll just have to wait and see if I'm right!

The Gamers 
Now, this section will include both the casual and hardcore gamers. Now, this one is quite possibly the most mixed of the bunch with many gamers excited for the first live action Pokémon movie, while others think it's a terrible abomination! But, I think most of us don't really know how to feel about this. Which is why this one is the hardest to predict.              
                   But, in the end I expect this one to be mixed as well, but overall well received. Especially since there are tons of Pokémon references littered throughout. 

The Casual Moviegoers
This will be the bulk of the fokes who will watch this, so this is the one that will effect its reception the most. Now, I honestly think it will be well received! 
    Its got the humor and Pokémon for the kids and adults alike, action and a darker plot and feel for the adults and yeah, I think it will do possibly better than the rest of the video game movies. But there will still obviously be those who will not like it possibly because of how the Pokémon look.

How Well In The Box Office
This one is frankly a no brainer. It has Pikachu in the name! Of course it will do well! If most people don't like it, it will have at least done well in the theaters. But, I expect it will do vary well and will probably get a sequel.

So what do you think? Will Detective Pikachu do well? Will you enjoy it? Let us know in the comments below. Also, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to GamingTelescope. Thanks for taking a look!


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