New Sonic Movie Has Official Posters and... There Interesting

New Sonic Movie Has Official Posters and... There Interesting
As I've already said in past articles, the more I learn about this movie, the more scared I become! There have been three Sonic posters revealed, and I'm going to cover all three. Prepare yourself!

Human Wearing Sonic Hat?
This one looks pretty terrifying! It looks like a man in a Sonic costume for Halloween! And it's catch fraise is "A Whole New Speed of Hero"? Really?  But don't worry, it gets better! And by that I mean a lot worse!

Those Legs...
Some things you can't unsee! I'm afraid this is one of them for me! I hope the rest of him looks better than this, if not... yeah.

Baby Sonic!
I'll admit, his design isn't THAT bad. But this poster is apparently older than the other two anyway so... who knows how he might look! I must say, so far, Detective Pikachu movie looks like Infinity War in comparison to this!

So... what do you think of these posters? Do you think the Sonic movie will be any good? Let us know in the comments below. Also, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to GamingTelescope. Thanks for taking a look!


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