Ways I think the Super Mario Movie Could Go

Ways I think the Super Mario Movie Could Go
Alright, so I know the Super Mario movie has been announced for some time now. But I just hadn't gotten around to it by now. Incase you don't know, Nintendo is teaming up with the creators of Minions to make a Super Mario Movie. The best part is that Shigeru Miyamoto is being the co-producer with them. He said that it is going quite well and if it wasn't, than they wouldn't make it. But before we start, please consider Subscribing to NintendosView so you never miss an article! Now with that all  out of the way, lets jump in!

 Mario Movie Problems
Okay, so the first section is with Mario as the main character. Now I'm going to discuss a number of problems and how this could go. First off, Mario Talking. I'm  not sure how this could go, it could just be Mario talking,  Mario talking a little, or not at all.

Mario Talking
If done right, it could be okay. First off, it would have to  be voiced by Charles Martinet, it just has to! If its not it would be a disaster! Now even so, can Charles voice an intire movie and all Mario  video games? I don't know. Another thought, do you want to hear Mario talking for an hour?

Mario Talking a little

This would fix some of the issues and I  guess Luigi would do most of the talking?

Mario Not Talking
Hm, this could work. Other characters could do  all  the talking for Mario. That works well in a game or a short like Sonic Mania,  but again, this is an hour long movie so I'm not sure about this one!

Alright, like Mario talking, there are a few options that I came up with. Mario Adventure, Kid in Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi's Adventure, and Wario's  Mayhem. Alright! Onward!

Mario's Adventure
Okay so this goes hand in  hand with above. This is the plot I could see if Mario's the main hero. First off starts normal, Peach is kidnapped and Mario  quickly jumps, stomps and runs to get to Bowser with music playing. Than, when he gets there he faces Bowser and than, things take a big twist before they fight or immediately after. In  the end there's a lesson or something,  hopefully some touching moments and lots of callbacks to the games, and no modern music! And absolutely NO messing with Mario and friends characters!

Kid in the Mushroom Kingdom

This one I think is the most likely.  A kid, not Mario is the main character. He's picked on at school or something and somehow makes it to the Mushroom Kingdom.  By playing, cave or dream. Than Mario is more of a mentor or is missing and its up to the kid to stomp Bowser! Than when he's back he beats the bully, or he learns in the end violence isn't the answer or something and there all happy. The end! Its kind of the easy way out but it could work. They just need to do it right.

Luigi's Adventure
Now I know what you're thinking. Its a Super Mario Movie! Here me out! The series is called Super Mario. My point,  just because the series is named after them doesn't mean there the main character. Take the Legend of Zelda as an example. 
            So say Luigi  is the main character, how would it go?  I  imagine the moral  of the story is Luigi conquering his fears and  standing up for what's right? So it could start out with everyone thinking Mario  is the main character, than Mario gets Kidnapped. So than its up to  Luigi! There's room  for Character development and Luigi is more relatable and funny than Mario. It could be a really good movie!

Wario's Madness
Alright, as I said  above, the main character isn't necessary Mario. Heck, they could surprise us with Mario only being a short cameo! Its Wario time! Why did I pick Wario? Because the same people would be working on it as Minions, so they could go as Wacky as they want! Again, there is a LOT of room for character development and the audience may even care about Wario in the end! This could go a lot of ways as well, but I think you can  imagine.

So, I think, if done right, the Mario Movie could be quite good. But will they do it right? Shigeru Miyamoto may not relize what he's getting himself into since he doesn't like story that much. In any case, will  Universal be able to pull it off as well and attract more to play Mario? Guess we'll have to wait and see!


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