Will Mario Party be at E3?

Will Mario Party be at E3?
Now I know I've been  doing lots of these like with Yoshi and Ridley but I can't help but predict games for E3! Its fun! So anyway, we got Mario Kart, were getting Mario tennis and Smash bros, What's missing?  Mario Party. Incase you don't know, Mario Party is a Mario board game like game filled with  minigames, items and ruined friendships! But the series has really gone down hill since its glory days. Will it ever be good again? Before we start, consider subscribing to NintendosView so you never miss an article. Now lets party!

Now, there have been rumors floating around for a while now that ND Cube are developing Mario Party 11 for the Nintendo Switch and is scheduled for release in 2019. Please, PLEASE no car!!! Cross your fingers that ND Cube learned there lesson. But anyway, I think this rumor is fairly likely because they are the ones who worked on the last few Mario Party games.

My Hopes and thoughts
First I'll start with the mini games. Now it doesn't need 100 mini games but I defidently want a lot of minigames. I exspect most mini-games will use the Joy-cons to there advantage, such as the HD rumble, motion controls, detectors and more! Cross you're fingers that it will be what 1-2 Switch tried to be.
As for the graphics, I expect it will look really similar and I'd be fine with that I think Mario Party 10 actually looks really good.
As for what they can improve, less luck, no car and... I don't know, maybe more maps and characters. That's it, they need to go back to what made Mario Party great.

And there you have it! So what do you think? Will Mario Party be at E3? Let us know in the comments! E3 is getting ever closer...


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